Provocative Opinion piece in New York Times

Provocative Opinion piece in New York Times

Postby wmeya » October 29th, 2009, 9:59 am

Hi all,

John McWhorter, a noted linguistic commentator, recently published a provocative article in the journal "World Affair" in which he suggests that it is illogical to try to save dying languages. The article is featured today on the New York Times website in the "Idea of the Day" blog: ... 2#comments

I invite forum members to contribute commentary to this discussion in the New York Times blog. There are many very good reasons to save Lakota and other endangered languages, and it would be very useful if the readers of the New York Times heard as many opinions as possible on this issue!


Wil Meya, Executive Director
Lakota Language Consortium
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Re: Provocative Opinion piece in New York Times

Postby Wendell » October 29th, 2009, 11:19 am

The way I see it, McWhorter's thinking is illogical.

First of all, Lakota and other Indian(Native American) people speak English. Keeping our Nation's language alive is part of who we are.

It's not like we can't speak English. Most of us can speak, read and write English better than Lakota because we were forced not to speak our own language
in schools. This has changed I'm very happy to see.

Although we dress like mainstream America, eat pizza and yogurt and watch movies who's theme ranges from ancient history to science fiction,
we know in our hearts who we are and many of us continue to practice traditional things.

We don't want to be anything else but what we are. We are Indians (or as some prefer Native Americans).

Our language is important to us because it is a part of us, just like an arm or a leg.

I think when a language "dies", part of the people's spirit die with it, regardless of what the language is.

Having your language whether you are Lakota, Maori, or Czech is part of your soul, your ancestors and the future generations to come.

It is these traditions and one's language that makes a people thrive and feel the pride of who they are.

(I would like to thank the inventor of the spell checker. Without that, I'd be really lost.)

Last edited by Wendell on October 29th, 2009, 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Provocative Opinion piece in New York Times

Postby admin » October 29th, 2009, 11:25 am

Please post your comments in the New York Times blog, not here.
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Re: Provocative Opinion piece in New York Times

Postby Wendell » October 29th, 2009, 11:41 am

Yeah, Admin I did a shorter version of it.

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?
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