2011 LSI Registration Open

2011 LSI Registration Open

Postby wmeya » February 16th, 2011, 11:13 am

Hello All,

This year's Lakota Summer Institute online-registration site is now open and can be found at:

Part of the focus this year is on providing intensive Lakota language training for those seeking to become more fluent. There are also exciting new courses on teaching Levels 3 and 4, Immersion Camp training, and special materials development projects for speakers.

As always, LSI promises to empower both teachers and active learners of the language in a way that creates strong personal bonds among the participants. It's a lot of fun and we encourage you to look into it!


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Re: 2011 LSI Registration Open

Postby T Tolman » February 16th, 2011, 5:28 pm

Hau Wil,
I gave my employers the information today, so I awaite for their approval. My fingers are crossed in hopes of being able to go. My employers stated that they can see a difference in my teaching and confidence level after taking last summer's courses. I hope to see you there.
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