Changing the servers (this one is SLOW)

Changing the servers (this one is SLOW)

Postby Jan » February 4th, 2009, 1:25 pm

Ever since the installation of the forum we have been experiencing rather slow performance of the server and despite our repeated complaints with the web-hosting company it has not improved.
So we have finally decided to move the forum (as well as most of our domains) to a different server. Hopefully it will have better performance. The logistics and the formalities of moving the domains will take some time and effort, so please bear with this server for a little longer, hopefully not more than a couple of weeks.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Changing the servers (this one is SLOW)

Postby Nina » February 4th, 2009, 4:59 pm

This is great news! The slow performance of the server has been frustrating, and the frequent occurrence of error messages whilst moving around in the forum must also have been quite frightening for a lot of members (it certainly scared me when it started happening!).

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: Changing the servers (this one is SLOW)

Postby Wapasika » February 6th, 2009, 7:53 pm

Excellent news!

I had a very disconcerting experience this morning - I wonder if the same has happened to anybody else here?

I had spent a long time composing a post in English & Lakota, using the enhanced keyboard to alternate in the recommended way, when out of the blue, my cursor started going backwards of its own accord, wiping out every word I'd written!

I couldn't stop it happening by clicking anything, and eventually I found myself ejected - on the outside of the forum, needing to log-in again!

Sure hope that doesn't happen again!

Nat’úŋke šni khéš wíkȟopȟešniyaŋ hótȟaŋiŋ po!
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