One of Lekší K's favourite sandwiches

One of Lekší K's favourite sandwiches

Postby Jac and Nakoma 1 » September 30th, 2023, 4:15 am

Today I am remembering our Flute playing, Hoop Dancing, kind, generous, fun loving friend as I make one of his favourite sandwiches - cheese, mayo and raisins. Well, mine definitely and absolutely doesn't have raisins :!:. "Why :?: ", you might ask. Do you know the Lakota for raisins :?:. One is čhuŋwíyapehe púza which literally translates to dried grapes (very sensible and correct). Now the other word for raisins is, WAIT FOR It -
Itȟúŋkala ištá :shock: :mrgreen: :!:
If you don't know the meaning check out the word on page 237 of the New Lakota Dictionary 2nd edition.
Now as we have been told since pre Kindergarten days all about sharing you, like me, may feel it your duty to share this wonderful, amazing piece of Lakota language information with a friend, whilst having a cheese, mayo and raisin sandwich (make sure your friend has the one with the raisins (yours probably doesn't) or if you get them mixed up your friend might get the last laugh :D. Then run away quickly as you, no doubt, will be persued by a volley of half chewed up raisins :D :!:.
So, remember our friend with a smile and a sandwich :!:. I guess no one wants raisins in theirs ;)
Tókša :lol: :burst: :!:
Jac and Nakoma 1
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