Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » June 28th, 2013, 4:20 pm

The recording session is over. We managed to record all of the approximately 23,000 headwords currently in the New Lakota Dictionary (on-line version).

Our team of native speakers and language activists worked hard, and I believe everyone enjoyed the time in the studio. Our gratitude belongs to the following Lakota speakers:

Ben Black Bear
Gabe Black Moon
Iris Eagle Chasing
Manny Iron Hawk
Bernardine Little Thunder
Kenny Little Thunder
Kevin Locke

The speakers rotated in three recording booths in the Makoce Studio in Bismarck, over the past several days.
Many thanks also to Nacole Walker and Armik Mirzayan who donated their time to help tremendously with the recording.

And of course, many thanks to everyone who supported this important project with donations. Without your support we wouldn't have been able to do this.

We are now entering the post-production phase. All the files (approximately 100 hours) have to be edited in order to leave only the correct takes and delete the wrong takes, throat clearing or any other sounds in the file. When we are done with this, we will use semi-automated approach to segment the long files into files with individual words. After this we will match them with the database. We are still in need of finances to support the post-production, so anyone interested in supporting this project would be deeply appreciated.

Jan Ullrich
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Nina » June 28th, 2013, 5:48 pm

Jan wrote:The recording session is over. We managed to record all of the approximately 23,000 headwords currently in the New Lakota Dictionary (on-line version).

This is wonderful news – congratulations and heartfelt thanks to everyone who worked so hard to achieve this. It must have needed high levels of concentration and motivation to complete the recordings in such a short time.

It’s very encouraging to know that our donations helped to bring this about, and I will certainly continue to support this project as much as I am able, as I’m sure others will do too. Here's something to consider: some time ago I began making a regular monthly contribution through the JustGive website here: ... 20-1158601
There is a minimum contribution requirement of $10 per month, but I think that is not too much to ask to help ensure that this and other projects can continue into the future, for the sake of the beautiful Lakota language that we all care about so much.

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Susi Jacobsen » June 28th, 2013, 8:07 pm

I just want to echo what Nina said (because she says things so much more elegantly than I could). But the feelings are the same. I am so proud to have been able to help support such a project and, in fact, to be a part of the LLC forum at all. WELL DONE, ALL! WELL DONE! (Realizing there's still much to be done and more money to be raised, still... WELL DONE!)

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » June 29th, 2013, 9:07 pm

This is very good news. :)
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Daniel » June 30th, 2013, 1:47 am

Háu Jan tȟuŋšká,

Iyúškiŋyaŋ wahóši yakú na líla iyómakiphi yeló. :good:

Aŋpétuwakȟáŋ wašté waŋží luhá kta wačhíŋ. :)

Lé Daniel miyé yeló.
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » January 6th, 2014, 3:54 am

Friends and relatives,

Here is an update on the NLD audio project. We did not forget about it and we did not stop working on it.

Here is a report on what has been done so far:

in July the NLD word entries were recorded by a group of native speakers. We spent a week in a professional recording studio in Bismarck, ND. All people involved worked very hard for 9 or 10 hours a day to get the recordings done. During this phase we created the audio recordings of 22,000 dictionary entries.

(This part of the project was in part possible thanks to the donations that were made by the forum members. We were able to pay the native speakers for heir work, their hotel rooms and travel expenses. Other expenses, such as the studio and the work of other personnel had to be subsidized by the LLC).

There was no more funding to cover work on the audio so the following things were done on more or less volunteer bases.

In August and September we worked very hard on editing the recorded files. This involves listening to all of the 30 hours of recording, identifying wrong takes, deleting them, cleaning out disruptive noises, making sure that the sequence of the entries in the audio matches exactly the sequence of word entries in the database and so on. This was a very time consuming part of the project and one that required a lot of meticulous work. People involved often worked during their free time after their work. We also want to thank Nina who helped proofing the edited audio files and checking them against the database, without her contribution our work would have been slower and less effective.

The edited files, each of which is 40 minutes long on the average, had to be cut into small files containing the audio recordings of the individual dictionary entries. Although this procedure is in part automated in a sound editing software, it still requires a huge amount of manual input. Luckily, Kostya offered to volunteer this work and has been working on it very hard.

The individual files have to be matched with the database entries, based on specific ID numbers that each entry has in the database.

Finally, the audio files will have to be added to the NLD web application and scripts will have to be written that will enable playing the appropriate file when an entry is viewed.

As you see, there is a lot of time consuming work requiring patience, focus and expertise. And as we have no funding to support phases 2 to 5, things are being done on volunteer bases by committed people, like Nina and Kostya. This is to explain why the audio is not online yet, it is simply because it is not a straightforward easy-to-do project, and because people involved work on it in their limited spare time. But we continue pushing forward and we hope to launch the audio component of the NLD soon so that all Lakota language learners can make use of it in their learning.

Recently we received a couple more donations from forum members to support this project. We would like to thank them and all of you who contributed last spring. We could not do this without your support.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » January 6th, 2014, 7:50 am

Thank you Jan, Nina and Kostya for all your hard work and dedication. :rose:
Taŋyáŋ ečhánuŋpi kštó.

Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby dlostrander » January 6th, 2014, 8:42 am

Háu Jan,Nina,Kostya na mitákuyepi

Míš-eyá, philámayayapi kta wačhíŋ. Toháŋl owákihi kiŋháŋ akhé mázaska etáŋ wéčʼuŋ kte.
Tókša akhé

Háu mitákuyepi
Nakéš héčhamuŋ.#962200 2/11/14.
Tókša akhé
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Owótȟaŋla iglúha yo.
"I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?" Donation confirmation # is 841665.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Susi Jacobsen » January 6th, 2014, 9:09 pm

Aŋpétu Wašté!

I knew you, Nina, Kostya, and Jan were the Best. You have now graduated to THE BESTEST OF THE BEST! Thank you for all your hard work and time (and CONSIDERABLE talent) spent in producing this meaningful and worthwhile project.

Jan, your update couldn't have been better-timed as I was just asked by some contributing members of the congregation where things stood. I'm wondering if you know (or if I should ask Wil Meya) if I should continue to specify the "Audio portion of the NLDO" for my contribution... or if there's a better way to go with the yeoman's work now being done by you INCREDIBLE volunteers?

You have all made a significant difference for the Good in this world and I thank you from my heart.

Wóphila Tȟáŋka,


(Now, look out... I'm coming back!!!)
Susi Jacobsen
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » January 14th, 2014, 7:23 am

Thank you Susi, I answered you via PM.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Sjefke » February 11th, 2014, 3:35 am

Háu Mitákuyepi,
Is it still possible to donate? Only $50 is too much for me in my current situation. That would be almost 2 weeks worth of eating for me. But can I donate $10 or $20? Please let me know :)
Tókša Akhé, Sjefke.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Nina » February 14th, 2014, 6:51 am

Háŋ Sjefke,

Thank you so much for offering to help! Yes, donations are still possible and always gratefully received! The $50 mentioned in the appeal is only an example, not a request. As you will see in the link ... 20-1158601 you can send whatever amount you are comfortable with, from $10 upwards. Every dollar counts! LLC is financed almost entirely by grants and donations; revenue from sales of the NLD and the textbooks barely covers printing costs so you can see that help with funding is vital, not only for the completion of the Audio Dictionary but also to support other current and future projects.

Tókša akhé,

I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Follow this link to learn how you can help too: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=4005
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Sjefke » February 17th, 2014, 9:29 am

Háu Mitákuyepi,
I'm trying to make a donation but somehow it's refusing my donation. It says: "Transaction declined: Check that your name and address in your account matches the information on your credit card." I made sure all the information is correct but I keep getting this message. This really bums me out because I want to contribute. Can it be that being overseas poses a problem for the site? Even mailed the customerservice on this but never got a reply.
Philámayaye for any help in this matter.
Tókša akhé, Sjefke.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Earthchild » March 11th, 2014, 7:17 pm

This is amazing news!
I've been absent from the forum for a while and completely missed the happenings with the audio componet for the dictionary until now. How very exciting!
I just now made a small donation specified to go toward this project and would like to give more as soon as I can.
I`ve been a member on this site for many years, but have not always been active and at times go long spans of time without being here at all. but, this site has given so much to me in my goal to someday speak Lakota, and the addition of audio to the dictionary would make learning the language on line that much easier.
Thank you to all who put in the hard work to make this possible.

Judy emáčiyapi
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby dorothy360 » March 19th, 2014, 9:07 am

[b]Hello there,
I cant do anything right now. I can try to send ten in April and ten each payday after.
Sorry about not getting more in but I get very little from social security.
thank you very much
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby lbuie93 » June 22nd, 2014, 11:16 am

Háu mitákuyepi

Just made another donation. Keep up the outstanding work that you are doing :)
Linda Buie

"I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?" Donation #850043 and 1009450
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby admin » June 22nd, 2014, 11:31 am


thank you and everyone else for their donations. We are working hard on audio component, in fact we are going to be back in the studio with native speakers this coming week (June 23rd to 27th).
We are pretty sure that the audio will be available to Lakota language learners by the end of the summer or beginning of the fall.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » June 22nd, 2014, 12:15 pm

Dear Admin,
Thank you for the update on the audio component of the O-NLD. :)


admin wrote:Linda,

thank you and everyone else for their donations. We are working hard on audio component, in fact we are going to be back in the studio with native speakers this coming week (June 23rd to 27th).
We are pretty sure that the audio will be available to Lakota language learners by the end of the summer or beginning of the fall.
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Daniel » June 26th, 2014, 6:13 am

Háu Admin,

Waštéya hoší uŋyákahipe ló. :D

Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Marco Thathanka » September 4th, 2014, 6:47 am

Háu mitákuyepi!

Is it still possible to send donations for the audio component of the dictionary?
Thank you for all your great work!

Marco Thathanka
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby admin » September 4th, 2014, 12:31 pm

Háu Marco,

all donations to the audio projects are very much welcome and will help us finalize it.

Thank you.

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby nickshanks » September 5th, 2014, 5:55 am

Finally, the audio files will have to be added to the NLD web application and scripts will have to be written that will enable playing the appropriate file when an entry is viewed.

Hello Jan.
I am sorry for only finding this thread now, but I'm an experienced Objective-C developer, willing to do whatever I can to help you, for free. Email me at and let me know what you need. I am a hobby linguist and endangered language fan; I already have my own copy of the Lakȟótiya Wóglaka Po Level 1 textbook and CD which I read through a while ago (but have not retained the vocabulary from, sadly). I have also used many of the native language iPhone apps available on the App Store.

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » September 12th, 2014, 5:45 am

nickshanks wrote:
Finally, the audio files will have to be added to the NLD web application and scripts will have to be written that will enable playing the appropriate file when an entry is viewed.

Hello Jan.
I am sorry for only finding this thread now, but I'm an experienced Objective-C developer, willing to do whatever I can to help you, for free. Email me at and let me know what you need. I am a hobby linguist and endangered language fan; I already have my own copy of the Lakȟótiya Wóglaka Po Level 1 textbook and CD which I read through a while ago (but have not retained the vocabulary from, sadly). I have also used many of the native language iPhone apps available on the App Store.



thank you for your kind and generous offer.
We are currently at the final stages of creating the multimedia version of the NLD, so at the moment we are not in need for help with programming, but we will keep your offer in mind for future projects.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby jakemac » October 15th, 2014, 6:22 am

Excellent idea. I'll make a contribution once I get my next paycheck. BTW, if you ever need an extra hand to write grant proposals, I'd love to help.

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » October 17th, 2014, 5:11 am

New Lakota Dictionary - PRO (NLD-P)

I am happy to announce that we are almost finished creating the multimedia version of the New Lakota Dictionary. It will be available as a software utility for Windows and OS X, and it will have numerous advanced functions, search options and other helpful features. And of course, all entries will have the pronunciation recorded by native speakers - the thing that people here helped to bring to life via their donations.

All of those who donated for this project up to this point are going to receive a complimentary copy of the product. So if you donated to this project, don't order the activation code, we are going to send you one. If for any reason, you don't receive an e-mail from us with an activation code, please let us know (

We hope that the product will be available in two or three weeks.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » October 17th, 2014, 7:13 am

Áta khilí kštó! :D That's wonderful news Jan. Thanks for letting us know! :rose:

Jan wrote:New Lakota Dictionary - PRO (NLD-P)

I am happy to announce that we are almost finished creating the multimedia version of the New Lakota Dictionary. It will be available as a software utility for Windows and OS X, and it will have numerous advanced functions, search options and other helpful features. And of course, all entries will have the pronunciation recorded by native speakers - the thing that people here helped to bring to life via their donations.

All of those who donated for this project up to this point are going to receive a complimentary copy of the product. So if you donated to this project, don't order the activation code, we are going to send you one. If for any reason, you don't receive an e-mail from us with an activation code, please let us know (

We hope that the product will be available in two or three weeks.
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby MichaelRossi » October 18th, 2014, 12:25 pm

Jan wrote:New Lakota Dictionary - PRO (NLD-P)

I am happy to announce that we are almost finished creating the multimedia version of the New Lakota Dictionary. It will be available as a software utility for Windows and OS X, and it will have numerous advanced functions, search options and other helpful features. And of course, all entries will have the pronunciation recorded by native speakers - the thing that people here helped to bring to life via their donations.

All of those who donated for this project up to this point are going to receive a complimentary copy of the product. So if you donated to this project, don't order the activation code, we are going to send you one. If for any reason, you don't receive an e-mail from us with an activation code, please let us know (

We hope that the product will be available in two or three weeks.

This is soooo awesome!! Can't wait!! I saw the Facebook blast about it a couple of weeks ago and was patiently awaiting the announcement here!

Jan, could you check - I made a donation, but don't remember ever receiving a donation code. I don't mind purchasing the new software though, if my record doesn't come up...

Thanks again for all you (and all those involved in this project!) do for us!

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » October 21st, 2014, 4:54 am

MichaelRossi wrote:
Jan, could you check - I made a donation, but don't remember ever receiving a donation code. I don't mind purchasing the new software though, if my record doesn't come up...

Michael, your name didn't show on the list of donors that I was given to include in the acknowledgment section. So I am assuming that the transaction didn't go through for some reason. If you are sure the transaction shows in your bank/card statement then let me know and I will have the LLC office re-check.
Thank you for your support.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby MichaelRossi » October 21st, 2014, 8:25 am

Jan wrote:
MichaelRossi wrote:
Jan, could you check - I made a donation, but don't remember ever receiving a donation code. I don't mind purchasing the new software though, if my record doesn't come up...

Michael, your name didn't show on the list of donors that I was given to include in the acknowledgment section. So I am assuming that the transaction didn't go through for some reason. If you are sure the transaction shows in your bank/card statement then let me know and I will have the LLC office re-check.
Thank you for your support.

Thanks Jan. Not sure what happened - I was sure I donated. Argh - feel pretty bad if I didn't. Wil sent me an email too- so I'll let him know-no use tracking it down. I'm happy to pay for the new software (Whooohoo!) and I'll make a donation anyway - I know there are more projects that can use it!

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Earthchild » November 11th, 2014, 9:09 am

I was just wondering if the email with the activation code for those that donated has been sent out yet?
not sure if I missed it or just didn't get one.
Judy emáčiyapi
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » November 11th, 2014, 9:49 am

Earthchild wrote:I was just wondering if the email with the activation code for those that donated has been sent out yet?
not sure if I missed it or just didn't get one.

No, not yet. But it should be sent very soon, in the next few days.
We will announce it here too, so that you are able to tell when the application has been released.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Earthchild » November 11th, 2014, 6:09 pm

Jan wrote:
Earthchild wrote:I was just wondering if the email with the activation code for those that donated has been sent out yet?
not sure if I missed it or just didn't get one.

No, not yet. But it should be sent very soon, in the next few days.
We will announce it here too, so that you are able to tell when the application has been released.

Thank you Jan! Looking forward to it!
Judy emáčiyapi
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » November 20th, 2014, 10:18 am

I am happy to announce that the NLD application is finished. We are currently working on a download site and we hope to have it ready in the next few days, hopefully before Thanksgiving.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » November 20th, 2014, 9:39 pm

Thank you Jan. Sounds wonderful! Will be looking forward to the activation code in the email. :)

Jan wrote:I am happy to announce that the NLD application is finished. We are currently working on a download site and we hope to have it ready in the next few days, hopefully before Thanksgiving.
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Daniel » November 21st, 2014, 7:02 am

Jan wrote:I am happy to announce that the NLD application is finished. We are currently working on a download site and we hope to have it ready in the next few days, hopefully before Thanksgiving.

Jan, indeed it's a very good annoucement. When Nancy writes "Will be looking forward to the activation code in the email," I agree totally with her.
A big thank you to all the team for the wonderful work! :good: :-V-:

Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » November 26th, 2014, 10:42 am

Dear supporters and all Lakota language learners,

I am happy to announce that the multimedia application for the New Lakota Dictionary is now ready.
It is called the New Lakota Dictionary Pro or shortly NLD-P.

You can download it at the link given at the bottom of the post.
Select between the Windows and iOS versions.
All donors will be e-mailed their complimentary product key in a few days. But the application is fully functional for a thirty day trial period, so you can install and use it before you receive the codes.
All of us who were involved in the development hope that you will enjoy this new experience and that it will help you in your study of Lakota.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » November 26th, 2014, 11:35 am

Thank you Jan! A lot of hard work was but into this and I thank all those involved. :rose:

Jan wrote:Dear supporters and all Lakota language learners,

I am happy to announce that the multimedia application for the New Lakota Dictionary is now ready.
It is called the New Lakota Dictionary Pro or shortly NLD-P.

You can download it at the link given at the bottom of the post.
Select between the Windows and iOS versions.
All donors will be e-mailed their complimentary product key in a few days. But the application is fully functional for a thirty day trial period, so you can install and use it before you receive the codes.
All of us who were involved in the development hope that you will enjoy this new experience and that it will help you in your study of Lakota.
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » November 26th, 2014, 12:26 pm

I just the NLD-P and WOW! :-V-: It's amazing. Thank you so much.
I strongly recommend everyone getting this. It's well worth the price!
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby MichaelRossi » November 26th, 2014, 1:56 pm

Absolutely amazing!

I've downloaded the trial version, and I've already pre-ordered the key a few weeks ago. This is an amazing accomplishment and I'm incredibly thankful for all the hard work the LLC has put into this!

I hope all of the speakers, the programmers, the board, the members, and all others who were involved in this project know how incredible this gift to the world is.

I'm just in awe.

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » November 28th, 2014, 7:17 am

It is very good to hear about the positive reception of the application so far. Thank you.

I'd like to give you a tip on one of the numerous useful functions. Follow these steps:

Click on TOOL icon (top-right)
Under SYSTEM check the 1st and 3rd check box (i.e. "Paste word from application under cursor" and "Pronounce every entry")
Click OK

After this you can use the instant lookup function of the NLD-P. To test it, open one of the forum's posts with a Lakota text and use your mouse to hover the cursor over individual words. You will hear the entry words pronounced automatically and if you resize the text window to see both the text and the dictionary then you will also see the entries. The lookup happens instantly without the need to double click or type anything. This feature works also in MS Word.
This instant lookup recognizes about 95% of verb forms so you can use it for looking up conjugated verbs in a text.
Note that the instant lookup does not recognize words before a period. This is a glitch that we are aware of and we hope to fix it in one of the updates.

We'll be happy to hear from you about how this works in your specific operating systems and if you find it helpful.
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby MichaelRossi » November 28th, 2014, 8:32 am

Jan wrote:It is very good to hear about the positive reception of the application so far. Thank you.

I'd like to give you a tip on one of the numerous useful functions. Follow these steps:

Click on TOOL icon (top-right)
Under SYSTEM check the 1st and 3rd check box (i.e. "Paster word from application under cursor" and "Pronounce every entry")
Click OK

After this you can use the instant lookup function of the NLD-P. To test it, open one of the forum's posts with a Lakota text and use your mouse to hover the cursor over individual words. You will hear the entry words pronounced automatically and if you resize the text window to see both the text and the dictionary then you will also see the entries. The lookup happens instantly without the needed to double click or type anything. This feature works also in MS Word.
This instant lookup recognizes about 95% of verb forms so you can use it for looking up conjugated verbs in a text.
Note that the instant lookup does not recognize words before a period. This is a glitch that we are aware of and we hope to fix it in one of the updates.

We'll be happy to hear from you about how this works in your specific operating systems and if you find it helpful.

Yes! I discovered this yesterday. It also works awesome in Word - and the dictionary will recognize words as you type them! If you type the words in a Word document in Lakȟótiyapi - the dictionary will actually say them as you type! It is awesome.

I figured out how to "pin" the dictionary in the Mini view - so that it stays on the screen while you have another application open, but I can't figure out how to pin it in the regular view. Is this possible?

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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » November 28th, 2014, 8:55 am

MichaelRossi wrote:I figured out how to "pin" the dictionary in the Mini view - so that it stays on the screen while you have another application open, but I can't figure out how to pin it in the regular view. Is this possible?

Yes, you can do this if you go to Program Options (TOOL icon) --> View --> check Always on Top.

After this the NLD-P will always be the top window, so you will have to resize it to see your MS Word document or other things. It works well if you have a large screen or two screens to keep the text and the NLD-P separate.
BTW, what operating system are you running?
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby MichaelRossi » November 28th, 2014, 9:22 am

Thank you Jan! That worked great. I use two screens when I am at work on the weekdays, but on the weekends I just have my laptop. Have two screens creates a WAY more productive environment (both for my job and for learning Lakȟótiyapi!)

I'm running Windows 7 Home premium.

The paste over function is spotty for me. For instance, right now - writing this- it doesn't work at all. But, if I cut or copy from here, the whole sentence will pop up in the dictionary window, with the first word being spoken.

I can't get it to work in IE, (except every once in a while) but I might not be doing it right there. It seems to really rock in Word. I haven't tried any other applications.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby elban91 » November 28th, 2014, 9:32 am

I am speechless.

To have the voices of two native speakers on hand whenever I study is more than I could have wished for!
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby NancyD » November 28th, 2014, 4:35 pm

Thanks Jan! This is fantastic. Anyone who doesn't purchase this is missing out on so much. :rose:
Tȟuŋkášilayapi tȟawápaha kiŋháŋ owíhaŋkešniyaŋ hé nážiŋ kte kštó.
“I helped the Lakota language by donating to the audio dictionary project. Can you help too?”
Donation Confirmation # is 841269.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Daniel » November 30th, 2014, 7:50 am

Amazing! Fantastic! Wonderful! Great! All those words are not exaggerated to describe all that huge work.
I have tested the instant lookup function of the NLD-P. It works very well and even while typing words in a Word document. I agree with Michael, it's awesome. And I agree with Nancy, too, it's well worth the price!
Thank you so much to the LLC and to all the people who have participated in that invaluable work. :clapping:

Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Jan » December 5th, 2014, 10:28 am

The LLC office has been working on sending the complimentary product keys to the donors.
Some of the donors didn't leave their e-mail address so we want to ask in case anyone knows them or can forward the information to them.
Below is a list of people whose e-mail addresses we don't know. Please let us know if you can help us find their e-mail addresses or forward the info to them.

Andrea Akers
Anon Anon
Susan Brave
Linda Buie
Philipp Duerrenmatt
James Hembrough
Danielle Langdon
David Lautenberger
Edwin Lopez
Stanislav Malygin
Michael McFarland
Andreas Müller
Damian Satterthwaite-Phillips
Justin Settle
John Snyder
Sally Wistrand
Lé Jan miyé yeló.
Blihíč’iyapi na Lakȟól’iyapi kiŋ čhaŋtét’iŋsya yutáŋyaŋkel uŋspéič’ičhiya po. Héčhel uŋglúkinipi kte ló.
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Re: Donation drive for audio component of the dictionary

Postby Daniel » December 10th, 2014, 10:16 am

Sjefke wrote:Háu Mitákuyepi,
I'm trying to make a donation but somehow it's refusing my donation. It says: "Transaction declined: Check that your name and address in your account matches the information on your credit card." I made sure all the information is correct but I keep getting this message. This really bums me out because I want to contribute. Can it be that being overseas poses a problem for the site? Even mailed the customerservice on this but never got a reply.
Philámayaye for any help in this matter.
Tókša akhé, Sjefke.

Háu Sjefke,

I just read your post. I am sorry to reply late.

I have exactly the same problem than you with JustGive for more than a year and yet I had no problem with them before. I tried several times but in vain. I checked and re-checked all my informations (name, address, credit card, password...) and each time I received the same puzzling e-mail as you received. And yet, I can see my previous donations on JustGive when I cannot make another one. :confused:
So, in desperation, I tried to use PayPal and it worked with no problem, and with the same informations...
I do not understand the reason of that glitch with JustGive. For the moment, no problem with Paypal. If I were you, I would try it since JustGive reject you.

Tókša akhé,
Uŋkíšnala uŋkókihipi šni éyaš akhíptaŋ ečhúŋk’uŋpi háŋtaŋš, takómni ečhétuuŋyaŋpi uŋkókihipe ló. Níš-eyá mázaska čónala yéčʼuŋ oyákihi. ... 20-1158601
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