Black Elk, a holy man for the whole world!

Black Elk, a holy man for the whole world!

Postby GnaskaGleska1 » March 31st, 2018, 5:35 am


I can't help but sharing with you this incredible piece of news that I just heard on TV, here in France: the holy man of the Oglala, Black Elk, is being considered by the Catholic church for canonization. Not that I care much about that kind of honorific distinction, but it's just amazing that any occidental world church would embrace a Native American to be part of the "elected" ones. For sure, Black Elk deserves some recognition, not only among his people but over the whole world.
We'll see if the process ends up somewhere.

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Re: Black Elk, a holy man for the whole world!

Postby GnaskaGleska1 » April 1st, 2018, 12:31 am

Thanks. I didn't know about the other two. I guess what seems extraordinary to me is that it's about a nomadic Plain Indian tribe member, whose fellow men were too often depicted as hostile savages, and whom all people into Native American culture like me have always heard or read about.
And yes, it's cool!
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