Questions and answers!

Questions and answers!

Postby Jac and Nakoma 1 » January 20th, 2024, 4:23 am

Hello guests and visitors reading this and welcome. Maybe you could answer a few questions?
1. Who are you? Are you a school, language group, youth association /club/group, basketball team (well, you can learn any time, any place. (You don't need to give name or location if you don't want to)
2.Are you using the same way of writing as on the Forum?
3.Do you use any of the SoWs or any other topics in your learning?
4. Do you find lots of helpful information throughout the Forum. (My name crops up rather often as I believe there are many ways to learn!!!! Check out the How we learn section. Maybe you have some more ideas you could share)
I'm glad I joined and you will too.
Looking forward to your replies!
Tókša ;)
Jac and Nakoma 1
Activity level - ičíakešakowiŋ
Activity level - ičíakešakowiŋ
Posts: 1237
Joined: March 12th, 2018, 6:01 am
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